

Daisy 留学杂志 2022-06-17

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According to The Guardian, top universities of UK expected to stick rigidly to offer grades. For the first time in years, sixth-formers who don’t get the A-level grades they need in August are unlikely to be able to talk their way into top universities. It will become a long-term trend that it is difficult to apply for top univeristies in UK. Experts incicate that even if the pandemic fades away, this tough new environment for applicants will not. Expert predict that an “extraordinary” 25% rise in the number of 18-year-olds in the population by 2030 will drive up competition for places. The effect of this will be felt even more strongly. Because the number of young people who want to go to university is continuing to rise each year. 


The Guardian

Although it is increasingly difficult for top universities to apply, for outstanding students, they still have the opportunity to apply for generous scholarships to help them complete their studies. Recently, the UK Chevening Scholarship has been opened for application. 


The Chevening Scholarship 

Applications for 2022/2023 Chevening Scholarships are now officially opened on August 3. The winners will be funded to go to British universities for one-year master's program.


Chevening Scholarship is the most representative flagship scholarship program of the British government, which is jointly funded by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and its partners. Since its establishment in 1983, Chevening scholarship has become a world-renowned international scholarship program. In the past three decades, It has funded a total of 43000 Chevening scholars and formed a highly influential global network of leading friends.


How to apply

In China, the Chevening Scholarship program is managed and operated by the British Embassy and consulate in China and the Chevening Scholarship program Secretariat. The scholarship is for Chinese citizens who are about to study or research in a one-year master's program in British higher education institutions. Scholarship winners can choose universities and courses according to their majors or interests, provided that the subjects they study must be related to their current career. Chevening Scholarship competition is fierce, the program supports up to 20 Chinese students each year. The application form, educational background, work experience, English level and other application materials and interview results submitted by the applicant are important basis for application evaluation.


What is Chevening included?

In addition to subsidizing the full tuition fees of students, students who successfully apply for Chevening Scholarship can also obtain:a monthly stipend, travel costs to and from the UK, an arrival allowance, a homeward departure allowance, the cost of one visa application and a travel grant to attend Chevening events in the UK.



It is important for students to check that  if they meet the eligibility criteria before start the application, Ineligible applications will be rejected.


Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory.


Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended.


Have completed all components of an undergraduate degree. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK but may be different depending on your course and university choice.


More than two years working experience (equivalent to 2,800 hours) which has management and decision-making responsibilities .


Has been admitted to master's courses of British universities, or has applied for the relevant master's courses of British universities. 


In this academic year, haven't accept other scholarships and grants, and haven't accept British government grants in recent three years.


The applicant is not more than 45 years old before the application deadline.


The applicant is not an employee of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom (including the British Embassy and consulate in China), the Secretariat of Chevening scholarship program, the project partner or directly related organization, the employee's immediate family member or a former employee who has left the above institutions for less than two years;


Chevening has no English language requirements, but the applicant must meet the language requirements of the British University, which requires the total score of IELTS (Academic) shall not be less than 6.5, and the individual score shall not be less than 5.5. Applicants should submit a copy of valid IELTS transcripts.



Chevening program grants 15 places in creative industry related majors every academic year. Applicants in television, film and video, performing arts, architecture, fashion design, historical sites, museums and other industries are preferred. In addition to the creative industry, talents from all walks of life in China are also welcome to apply for it. 

Applicants in these areas will also be given priority if they can fully demonstrate the close connection between current or future jobs and the priority areas of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office:

Foreign and security policy / defense, public policy, justice / law, economy / finance, trade / investment, science and technology, environment and sustainable development, energy and climate change, media, social development. 




Application process

Step 1: understand the procedure

Prepare for materials of application and decide the British 

Universities and courses you will go to.


Step 2: Complete the application

Complete the application from August 3 to November 2.


Step 3: Interview

The British Embassy and Consulate will interview the primary finalists from March to April of the next year. At this time, the applicant needs to have a basically determined college and professional intention. The applicant is requested to reasonably arrange the personal work plan during this period. 

次年3-4月 英国使领馆将对初选入围者进行面试。此时,申请人需要有基本确定的就读院校和专业意向。在这期间,申请人需要合理安排个人工作计划。

Step 4: Results

The interview results will be notified in May or July of the next year.


Step 5: Pre departure preparation

From June to July of the next year, the successful applicant confirms the unconditional admission notice of the British university, carries out a physical examination, applies for a passport and prepares a visa application. And from July to August , applicants can attend the pre departure preparation briefing and have face-to-face communication with Chevening officials of the British Embassy and Consulate and previous Chevening alumni. And confirm air tickets, arrange accommodation and apply for visas during studying in the UK.

次年6-7月 申请成功者确认英国大学的无条件录取通知书,并进行体检、申请护照和准备签证申请。7-8月可以参加行前准备说明会,与英国使领馆志奋领官员和往届志奋领校友进行面对面交流。并确认机票、安排留学英国期间住宿和申请签证。

Application approach

All applications will be completed online, and for more information about Chevening Scholarship, please visit the official website of China Scholarship Council. 




Other scholarships for students to study in the UK

There are three types of scholarships to study in the UK: British government scholarships, Chinese government scholarships and scholarships set up by universities and colleges. The amount is divided into the following categories:


Full scholarship: This is the most popular scholarship for international students. Because it includes all study expenses and living expenses when study abroad. Of course, full scholarship is very competitive. If students want to apply for full scholarship, they should at least be outstanding in academic achievement.


Partial scholarship: this type of scholarship usually pays the whole tuition at one time, usually excluding any living expenses during study abroad.


Specific country scholarships: such scholarships are generally provided for students in a specific country. For example, many schools specifically provide scholarships for Chinese students. Country specific scholarships may be full or partial.


National Excellent Self Funded Overseas Student Scholarship


In order to reward the outstanding academic achievements of outstanding self funded overseas students and encourage them to return to work or serve the country in various forms, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the China Scholarship Council established the "national excellent self funded overseas students scholarship" project in 2003. 


The scale of the award is 500 people (including no more than 10 "special Excellence Award"), which is implemented in 33 countries such as the United States, where there are a large number of self funded overseas students. The award objects are self funded doctoral students over the first grade (excluding the first grade) and under the age of 40. The award amount is US $6000 / person, including US $10000 / person. The applications of those who have won the scholarship, enjoyed or are enjoying the support of the national study abroad fund, have obtained the first doctoral degree at home and abroad and have passed the doctoral thesis defense before the application date will not be accepted.




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